Registered massage therapy

Helping you on your healing JOURNEY.

Relaxation Massage

Sink into a world of tranquility as we focus on melting away tension from your back, shoulders, neck, scalp, and face. Allow the soothing touch of expert hands to gently ease your stress and worries, as you embark on a journey to total relaxation.

  • Stress Reduction: Relaxation massages are specifically designed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. The gentle, soothing strokes help calm the nervous system, leading to a sense of tranquility and overall well-being.

    Muscle Relaxation: The massage techniques used in relaxation massage target muscle tension and tightness. Gentle kneading and long strokes help release muscle knots, leading to improved flexibility and reduced muscle pain.

    Improved Circulation: The rhythmic movements of the massage increase blood flow throughout the body. This enhanced circulation can lead to better oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues, aiding in the removal of waste products and toxins.

    Pain Relief: Relaxation massage can help alleviate chronic pain conditions, such as headaches, back pain, and neck pain. By relaxing tense muscles and reducing inflammation, it can provide relief from discomfort.

    Better Sleep: Many people find that a relaxation massage helps improve the quality of their sleep. It can ease insomnia, promote deeper rest, and contribute to an overall better sleep pattern.

    Mental Relaxation: Beyond physical benefits, relaxation massages have a profound impact on mental relaxation. They reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, increase feelings of happiness, and improve overall mental clarity.

    Enhanced Immune Function: Reducing stress through relaxation massage can positively affect the immune system. When stress hormones are reduced, the body is better equipped to fend off illness and infection.

    Improved Skin Health: The use of massage oils and lotions during the treatment can nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling soft and rejuvenated.

    Increased Body Awareness: Relaxation massage encourages mindfulness and body awareness. This can help individuals identify areas of tension and stress, allowing them to take proactive steps to address these issues in their daily lives.

    Overall Well-Being: The sense of calm and relaxation achieved during a relaxation massage contributes to a general feeling of well-being. It can boost self-esteem, reduce fatigue, and enhance one's mood.

  • A Relaxation massage is 1 hour in duration and costs $110 +tax.

Deep Tissue Massage

Unleash a world of soothing relief as you delve into the extraordinary benefits of our Deep Tissue Massage. We use deeper pressure to specifically target areas of tension, tight muscles, and stubborn adhesions within your body's tissues. Cupping can be added at no extra cost.

  • Pain Relief: Deep tissue massage can effectively alleviate chronic pain conditions, such as lower back pain, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. It targets trigger points and muscle knots, reducing muscle tension and discomfort.

    Muscle Rehabilitation: Athletes and individuals recovering from injuries often turn to deep tissue massage to aid in the healing process. It can help repair damaged tissues, improve muscle flexibility, and enhance overall muscle function.

    Improved Posture: Deep tissue massage can release tension in muscles and fascia, allowing for better alignment and improved posture. This can be especially helpful for those who spend long hours sitting at a desk.

    Reduced Inflammation: The manipulation of deep tissues can stimulate the body's natural inflammatory response, aiding in the healing of injuries and reducing swelling and inflammation.

    Stress Reduction: While deep tissue massage is primarily focused on physical issues, its relaxation benefits should not be underestimated. The relief of physical tension often leads to mental relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety.

    Increased Range of Motion: By targeting deep layers of muscle and connective tissue, deep tissue massage can enhance joint flexibility and improve overall range of motion. This can be beneficial for athletes and those with limited mobility.

    Breakdown of Scar Tissue: Deep tissue massage can help break down and soften scar tissue resulting from injuries or surgeries. This can improve mobility and reduce discomfort associated with scar tissue.

    Improved Circulation: The deep pressure applied during the massage can help increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to muscles and tissues, aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products and toxins.

    Release of Toxins: As tight muscles and tissues are manipulated, metabolic waste products can be released from the muscles and eliminated from the body more efficiently.

    Headache Relief: Chronic tension headaches and migraines may benefit from deep tissue massage, as it can release muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back that often contribute to these types of headaches.

    Better Sleep: Many individuals report improved sleep patterns and a sense of relaxation after a deep tissue massage. The reduction in pain and muscle tension can contribute to better sleep quality.

  • Cupping involves placing cups on the skin and creating suction to lift and separate the underlying tissues. Cupping offers several potential benefits when incorporated into a massage session:

    Pain Relief: Cupping can help relieve various types of pain, including muscle tension, chronic pain conditions, and soreness. The suction created by the cups can promote blood flow to the affected area, which may reduce pain and discomfort.

    Muscle Relaxation: Cupping can effectively release tension in muscles and fascia. The cups can pull on the tissues, stretching and loosening tight areas, making it easier for a massage therapist to work on specific muscle knots and trigger points.

    Improved Circulation: The suction created by cupping can increase blood flow to the treated area. This enhanced circulation can aid in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and promote the removal of metabolic waste products and toxins.

    Reduction of Inflammation: Cupping can stimulate the body's natural anti-inflammatory response. It can help reduce localized inflammation, which may be beneficial for conditions such as arthritis or injuries.

    Relaxation and Stress Reduction: While cupping itself may not feel like a traditional massage, it can induce a deep sense of relaxation. The calming effect of cupping can help reduce stress and anxiety.

    Release of Fascial Restrictions: Cupping can help release adhesions and fascial restrictions, which are common causes of limited range of motion and discomfort. By lifting and separating tissues, cupping can improve tissue mobility.

    Detoxification: Some proponents of cupping therapy believe it can aid in the removal of toxins from the body. While the scientific evidence for this claim is limited, cupping may help improve lymphatic drainage, potentially assisting the body's detoxification processes.

    Skin Health: Cupping can stimulate collagen production and improve blood circulation in the skin, potentially leading to improved skin tone and texture.

    Respiratory Benefits: In some cases, cupping on the upper back can be used to address respiratory issues like bronchitis or asthma by improving lung function and reducing congestion.

  • A Deep Tissue massage is 1 hour in duration and costs $110 +tax.

Buccal Massage & Facial lymphatic drainage

By targeting the lymphatic system, this specialized massage helps reduce puffiness, inflammation, and fluid retention in the face and neck area.
The treatment promotes detoxification and encourages the removal of waste and toxins from the body.

Intra-oral massage can be included in the treatment to help with tension in jaw caused by clenching and grinding your teeth.
This soothing massage technique can also aid in relieving sinus congestion, tension, and headaches, while promoting relaxation and a sense of overall well-being.

Whether you add this treatment to your body massage, or enjoy as a standalone treatment, buccal and facial lymphatic drainage massage offers a natural and holistic approach to nurturing skin health and radiance.

  • TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) Relief: Buccal massage can be particularly beneficial for individuals with TMJ disorders. By addressing tension and dysfunction in the muscles around the jaw, it may help alleviate pain, reduce jaw clicking, and improve jaw mobility.

    Facial Muscle Relaxation: The massage can effectively relax the facial muscles, including the muscles responsible for chewing and facial expressions. This can help reduce facial tension and may contribute to a more relaxed and youthful appearance.

    Stress Reduction: Like other forms of massage, buccal massage can induce relaxation and reduce stress. The soothing sensation of the massage may also help ease mental and emotional tension.

    Headache Relief: Tension in the jaw and facial muscles can contribute to headaches, including tension headaches and migraines. Buccal massage may help alleviate this tension, potentially leading to headache relief.

    Improved Oral Health: The massage can stimulate blood flow and lymphatic drainage in the oral cavity, potentially promoting healthier gums and oral tissues. It may also help with conditions like dry mouth.

    Release of Jaw Clenching and Grinding Tension: Many individuals clench or grind their teeth, especially during periods of stress. Buccal massage can address the muscular tension associated with these habits.

    Enhanced Facial Contouring: Some people seek buccal massage for its potential cosmetic benefits. By relaxing and toning facial muscles, it may contribute to improved facial symmetry and contour.

    Improved Jaw Mobility: Buccal massage can help improve the range of motion in the jaw, making it easier to speak, chew, and perform other oral functions.

    Prevention of Dental Issues: Regular buccal massage may help prevent or alleviate dental issues related to muscle tension, such as teeth misalignment or bite problems.

  • A Buccal massage is 1 hour in duration and costs $110 +tax.

Brazillian lymphatic drainage massage

Brazilian lymphatic drainage massage offers a gentle yet effective way to promote the body's natural detoxification process. By utilizing specific techniques to stimulate the lymphatic system, this specialized massage may help reduce swelling, improve circulation, and enhance the overall functioning of the immune system. Clients often report feeling lighter and more energized after a session, making Brazilian lymphatic drainage massage a popular choice for those seeking to support their body's natural healing capabilities.

  • Full body 60 mins $145 + tax

    Full body with face 90 mins $185

“My goal is for every visit to transport you to a place of relaxation and improvement, reducing pain and stress while enhancing your overall quality of life.”

Laura Polak, Founder of The Remedy RMT



Laura’s massage therapy practice is built on a foundation of clinical expertise and a deep commitment to providing a safe, cozy, and therapeutic environment.

Registered Massage Therapist
& Founder of The Remedy RMT